KEELER A-Scan Plus Connect


  • Immersion and Contact Modes:
    The A-Scan Plus Connect supports both immersion and contact modes, offering flexibility for various patient types and surgical needs.

  • Industry-Leading Resolution:
    The device provides high-resolution measurements for greater precision in calculating intraocular lens (IOL) power and optimizing surgical outcomes.

  • Comprehensive IOL Formulas:
    Includes all commonly used IOL formulas, such as Hoffer Q, SRK/T, Holladay I, Haigis, SRK II, and Binkhorst II, as well as advanced post-refractive formulas, ensuring precise calculations for a wide range of patients.

  • Customizable Lens and Material Settings:
    The A-Scan Plus Connect allows for customization of lens, ACD (Anterior Chamber Depth), and VCD (Vitreal Chamber Depth) materials to accommodate new and emerging implant and chamber materials.

  • Optimized Lens Constants:
    Designed to provide superior surgical outcomes, with optimized lens constants that enhance accuracy and consistency in refractive cataract surgeries.

  • Enhanced User Interface:
    The device features an intuitive interface with easy-to-set defaults, reducing exam times and increasing patient throughput. This contributes to a more efficient workflow and increased profitability for practices.

  • Automatic Alignment Detection & Sclera Recognition:
    Features like automatic alignment detection and sclera recognition help eliminate improperly aligned scans, ensuring better accuracy and ease of use.

  • Seamless Workflow Integration:
    The A-Scan Plus Connect integrates seamlessly with IOLMaster 500 from ZEISS, creating a unified diagnostic platform that improves workflow and patient management.

  • Software Flexibility:
    Fully upgradeable software ensures the device remains current with the latest surgical techniques and advancements. Unlimited data storage and EMR capability with automatic data transfer streamline patient management and reduce manual data entry.

  • DICOM Ready:
    Ensures compatibility with DICOM systems for easy integration with hospital or practice networks, facilitating smooth data sharing.

  • Advanced Calculation Features:
    Includes piggyback calculation ability for ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens) implants, as well as Rx surgery calculations for an aging Lasik population.

  • PC-Based Platform:
    The device is powered by a PC-based platform, providing easy setup and integration into your practice’s digital ecosystem.

The A-Scan Plus Connect is a state-of-the-art, PC-based platform designed to streamline cataract surgeries and improve patient outcomes with its advanced technology and integrated features. Whether you are working with complex cases or standard procedures, it delivers the reliability, flexibility, and precision needed for modern refractive cataract surgery.